
The Resources application houses the Site Installation Guide with instructions for installing the VUE Testing System software and hardware, the test center Policies and procedures guides, the Exam sponsor guides, and the Policies and procedures for ServiceDirect. It also houses Support Materials, which contains all the documents, videos, training modules, and installers, etc. sites need to run their sites.

Open Resources

  1. If the navigation pane is not displayed, select the Menu button at the top of the page.
  2. Select the Resources menu. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Resources menu.

  3. The Resources categories menus appear. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Resources categories menus.

Work with the installation guide

The Site Installation Guide contains instructions for installing and configuring the site software and hardware. The Site Installation Guide may be launched in either English or Japanese.

  1. Select the Installation guide menu. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Installation guide menu.

  2. The Installation guide page is displayed. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Installation guide page.

  3. Select the View button and select the desired language in which you wish to launch the Site Installation Guide. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Select the desired language from the View installation guide menu.

The Site Installation Guide launches in a new browser tab in the selected language. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Site Installation Guide in English

English version of the Site Installation Guide

Site Installation Guide in Japanese

Japanese version of the Site Installation Guide.

  1. You can either select the Connect browser tab or you can close the Site Installation Guide tab to return to the Connect browser tab.

Work with test center guides

The test center guides page includes links to the Policies and procedures guides, Exam sponsor guides, and Policies and procedures for ServiceDirect.

  1. Select the Test center guides menu. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Test center guides menu.

  2. The Test Center Guides page is displayed. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Test center guides page.

  3. Select the View button for the file you wish to view. The file launches in a new browser tab.
  4. The Policies and procedures for ServiceDirect may be launched in English, Arabic, Korean, Chinese, or Japanese. You must select the desired language from the View menu. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Select the desired language from the View menu to launch the ServiceDirect policies and procedures guide.

  5. You can either select the Connect browser tab or you can close the tab to return to the Connect browser tab.

Work with support materials

The Support materials page lists parent folders that contain different test center content needed to run a site. Site users may search for files and view or download them.

  1. Select the Support materials menu. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Support materials menu.

  2. The Support materials page opens. The Support materials page lists all the folders that contain content. You will never see actual content (PDFs, documents, training files, installers, etc.) on the Support materials page. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Support materials page.

Search for content

All the content needed to run a site is located within folders on the Support materials page.

Manually open folders to locate and open files

You may manually open folders if you know where your file resides.

  1. If you know which folder contains the desired file, scroll through the list of folders, and select the desired folder name. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot. The folder opens.

    Click to open the parent folder on the Support materials page.

  2. If the file is in a sub-folder, select the sub-folder to open it.
  3. The folder is opened and lists any sub-folders and files in the selected folder. The sub-folders are listed in alphabetical order followed by the files listed in alphabetical order. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Opened parent folder with sub-folders and files.

  4. By default, folders list 50 items on the page (the fifty items may be a combination of sub-folders and files). When more than 50 items are listed in the folder, page scroll buttons identify how many pages of content are in the folder. Use the page scroll buttons Use the page forward and backward buttons to scroll through the list of pages. to move between the pages of content.
  5. Scroll through the files in the folder and select the desired file. The various files either launch or download to your computer.
    1. PDF—PDFs open in a new browser window tab. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      PDFs launch in a new browser tab.

    2. Installers—Installers download to the computer. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Downloads folder with installer.

    3. Word documents—Word documents download to the computer. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Downloads folder with Word document.

    4. Training videos—Videos open in a new browser window tab. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Videos launch in a new browser tab.

    5. Training Module Player—Training modules open in a new browser window tab. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Training module launch in a new browser tab.

    6. Excel file—Excel files download to the computer. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Downloads folder with Excel file.

Note iconNote

If the file does not open for you, pop-ups might be blocked on your web browser. On the Chrome browser, check to see if a Pop-ups blocked icon appears on your browser menu bar.

Pop-ups were blocked on this page message.

  1. Select the pop-ups icon and select accept everything from this URL.
  2. Try opening the file again.

If you are using a different web browser, check the pop-up settings for the browser and add this URL as a trusted site.

  1. You can change the number of items displayed on the page to 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 by clicking the Items per page button in the bottom left-hand corner of the page. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Click the Items per page button to select the number of items to display on the page.

Sort items on the page

By default, the sub-folders and files are listed on the page in ascending order by the Title column. An upward facing blue triangle is listed next to the Title column and a blue line under the Title header indicates the content is sorted in ascending order by this column. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Content sorted in ascending order by title column.

  1. Select the title column header to sort the list in descending order by title. The folders are listed in descending order followed by the files listed in descending order. The triangle now is downward facing next to the Title column header. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Content sorted by Title in descending order.

  2. Select the Title header column again to sort the list in ascending order.
  3. Select any column header to sort the list in ascending or descending order by the selected column.

Search for content from the Support materials page

If you know the name of the file you want to access, it is faster to search for the file.

Note iconNote

When you search for content from the Support materials page, all folders and files that match the entered text in any folder are located in the search.

  1. Enter either the full name or a portion of the name of the desired content in the search box. Select the Search button. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot. All folders and contents matching the search criteria are listed on the Search page.

    Search results when searching from Support materials page.

  2. Select the Clear search button to remove the search criteria and list all the parent folders on the Support materials page.
  3. The results identify the Title of the folder or the file, the Parent folder where content resides, the Version of the file, the Client for which the file is tagged, the Type of file, the Language in which the file is authored, and the Size of the file.
  4. Select the folder to open it.
  5. Select the file to open or download it.

Search for Content from within a folder

You may open a parent folder or sub-folder and perform a search for content within the selected folder.

  1. Open the desired folder.
  2. Enter either the full name or a portion of the name of the desired content in the search box. Select the Search button. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot. All folders and files matching the search criteria are listed on the Search page. The folder where you began searching is listed at the top of the page.

    Search results when searching from within a folder.

  3. Select the Clear search button to remove the search criteria and list all the contents of the selected folder.
  4. The results identify the Title of the folder or the file, the Version of the file, the Client for which the file is tagged, the Type of file, the Language in which the file is authored, and the Size of the file.
  5. Select the folder to open it.
  6. Select the file to open or download it.

Search for content using the advanced search fields

The advanced filters within a folder allow users to search for content by Title, Client, Type, and Language.

  1. Open the desired folder.
  2. Select the Advanced filter Click the Advanced filter button to display or hide the filter fields. button on the far right of the file list title bar. The advanced filter fields are displayed. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Advanced filter fields: Title, Client, Type, and Language.

  3. Filter by Title:
    1. Enter a portion of the file display name in the Title field. The list is dynamically filtered to locate all files matching the entered text. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Folder contents filtered by title.

    2. Selelct the Clear filter button to remove the selected filters.
  4. Filter by Client:
    1. Enter a portion of the client's name in the Client field. The list is dynamically filtered to locate all files matching the entered text. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Folder contents filtered by client.

    2. Select the Clear filter button to remove the selected filters.
  5. Filter by Type:
    1. Select the Type drop-down button. The list of file types applied to the files in the folder are listed in the menu. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Type advanced file filter drop-down list.

    2. Select the desired file Type from the list. The list now displays all files tagged with this file type. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Folder contents filtered by type.

    3. Select the Clear filter button to remove the selected filters.
  6. Filter by Language:
    1. Select the Language drop-down button. The list of languages applied to the files in the folder are listed in the menu. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Language advanced file filter drop-down list.

    2. Select the desired Language from the list. The list now displays all files tagged with this language. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Folder contents filtered by language.

    3. Select the Clear filter button to remove the selected filters.
  7. Select the Advanced filter Click the Advanced filter button to display or hide the filter fields. button to hide the advanced filter fields.

Pearson VUE Proprietary and Confidential