Site system information

The Connect landing page that users see when they first log on to the portal is the Site system information page. The Site system information page displays the current status of your site.

  1. If the navigation pane is not displayed, click the Menu button at the top of the page.
  2. Click the Site system information menu. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Site system information menu in the navigation pane.

  3. The Site system information page opens.

The page is divided into two sections:

  1. Site status
  2. Security files for new and reinstalled sites (not applicable to Client proctored - appointment required sites)

Depending on the status of your site, you will see different information displayed on the Site system information page.

  1. A new site that has not installed the VUE Testing System (VTS) software and has never been activated. The status identifies that you have not installed VTS, you have not run an RMA session, and running an RMA session is required. Users can manually download the Security credentials and the Site license file. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  2. An active site that has downloaded the security certificates and run a successful RMA session. The VTS version of software installed at your site is listed and the date each of the security files was downloaded is listed. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    An active site with a successful RMA session. Security certificates have been downloaded.

  3. An active site that is scheduled for a software update. The scheduled date the update will run and the VTS version that will be installed is listed, and it notifies you that the security credentials will be automatically downloaded and installed. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  4. An active site that is overdue for a software update. The site system information notifies you that your site is overdue for an update, and you must update as soon as possible. This site must manually download the security credentials file and manually run a software update. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  5. A deactivated site. The site system information notifies you that your site is overdue for an update, and you can manually download the Security credentials. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  6. A new Client proctored - appointment required site that is not activated. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  7. An active Client proctored - appointment required site. The Current software version is listed, and site status is active. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Site status



RMA status

The RMA status can be in one of three states:

  1. Your site has not completed an RMA session: The site has not run an RMA session. The site has most likely not installed the VUE Testing System (VTS) software or downloaded and installed their security certificates.
  2. Completed successfully [date/time]: The last successful RMA session that ran within the last 30 days at the site. The date/time format follows the selected language for the user interface.
  3. Your site has not completed an RMA session in the past 30 days: The site has not run a successful RMA session in the past 30 days.

Note: This field is not applicable to Client proctored - appointment required sites.

Current software version

If your site has not been activated by Pearson VUE, this field lists Activation required. See the Site Installation Guide or the Client proctored - appointment required User Guide for details on activating your site.

For activated standard test center sites, this field lists the current VTS software version that is installed at the site.

For activated Client proctored - appointment required sites, this field lists the current software version on the hub.

Software update

The software update field is displayed when either of these situations exist:

  1. The site is scheduled to update to a specific version on a specific date.
  2. The site is overdue for an update to a specific version. We ask you to run a manual update as soon as possible. If you are unsure how to manually start the update process, click the How do I start this software update now? link. The instructions for starting the update are in a pop-up window. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot. If you need to download the Security credentials file, it is listed as a link down in the lower section of the page. See Download and install the security credentials file below.

    Note: This field is not applicable to Client proctored - appointment required sites.

Site status

A site can be in one of three states:

  1. RMA required - Sites that have not installed the (VTS) software, run an RMA session, and/or have not completed all the required steps to activate their site. Standard testing sites and Client proctored - appointment required sites are in this state until Pearson VUE has activated the site. See the Site Installation Guide or the Client proctored - appointment required User Guide for details on activating your site.
  2. Active - Sites that have completed all required steps to activate their site.
  3. Deactivated - Sites have been deactivated by Pearson VUE because of a VTS downgrade, or because of a quality issue.

Security files for new and reinstalled sites

Sites are required to download and install two security files to run the VTS software.

  1. Site license file (host.crd file)
  2. Security credentials (host.p12 file)

The site license file indicates that the installation belongs to an authorized site. Once the host.crd and the host.p12 files are installed in the proper directory, the RMA application can populate your local Pearson VUE database. Sites are required to renew the security credentials file annually.

Download and install the site license file

These instructions assume you have installed the VTS software at your site. See the Site Installation Guide for details on installing the VTS software.

  1. Ensure you are on the Administration workstation when you download the Site license file.
  2. Click the Download host.crd link below Site license file. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Click Download host.crd link to download the site license file.

  3. The file downloads to the Downloads folder (or the folder you have designated for downloading files). Open a Windows Explorer window and navigate to the Downloads directory. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    The host.crd file in the Downloads directory.

  4. Cut the host.crd file.
  5. Navigate to the C:\Pearson VUE\Vue Testing System\db directory and Paste the host.crd file.
  6. The Security files for new and reinstalled sites section displays the date the Site license file was downloaded. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    The site license file download date is displayed.

Download and install the security credentials file - new site

These instructions assume you have installed the VTS software at your site. See the Site Installation Guide for details on installing the VTS software.

  1. Ensure you are on the Administration workstation when you download the security credentials file.
  2. Click the Download host.p12 link below Security credentials. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Click Download host.p12 link to download the security credentials file.

  3. The file downloads to the Downloads folder (or the folder you have designated for downloading files). Open a Windows Explorer window and navigate to the Downloads directory. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    The host.p12 file in the Downloads directory.

  4. Cut the host.p12 file.
  5. Navigate to the C:\Pearson VUE\Vue Testing System\db directory and Paste the host.p12 file.
  6. The Security files for new and reinstalled sites section displays the date the Security credentials file was downloaded. If you have downloaded both the site license and the security credentials files, a message notifies you that these files have already been downloaded. If you need to download the security credentials or site license file again, click the Technical support link to contact VSS for assistance. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    The security credentials and site license files have been downloaded.

Download and install the security credentials file - existing site

These instructions assume you have installed VTS software at your site and you must download a new security credentials host.p12 file to replace an existing host.p12 file. Security credentials files expire once a year. The system should automatically download the new credentials file for you, but occasionally you must manually download the host.p12 file. If the security credentials file expires, your site is not able to connect to the VUE Hub server to make registrations or download exams.

Stop the VUE Application Wrapper Service

When no candidates are testing, stop the VUE Application Wrapper Service on the VUE Testing server.

  1. Click the Windows Start menu and select the Control Panel | Administrative Tools menu.
  2. Double-click Services.
  3. Scroll down and select the VUE Application WrapperClick to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  4. Click the Stop the service link.

Download and install the security credentials file

  1. Ensure you are on the Administration workstation when you download the security credentials file.
  2. Login to the Connect portal Site system information page.
  3. Click the Download host.p12 link below Security credentials. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Click Download host.p12 link to download the security credentials file.

  4. The file downloads to the Downloads folder (or the folder you have designated for downloading files). Open a Windows Explorer window and navigate to the Downloads directory. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    The host.p12 file in the Downloads directory.

  5. Cut the host.p12 file.
  6. Navigate to the C:\Pearson VUE\Vue Testing System\db directory and Paste the host.p12 file. If you previously downloaded the host.p12 to the db directory, replace the existing file with the new file.
  7. The Security files for new and reinstalled sites section displays the date the Security credentials file was downloaded. If you have downloaded both the site license and the security credentials files, a message notifies you that these files have already been downloaded. If you need to download the security credentials or site license file again, click the Technical support link to contact VSS for assistance. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    The security credentials and site license files have been downloaded.

Restart the VUE Application Wrapper Service

  1. Go back to the Services window and select the VUE Application Wrapper.
  2. Click the Restart the service link. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  3. Close the Service window.
  4. Close the Administrative Tools window.



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