CalendarCalendar graphic.

It is important to check your site's schedule frequently using Site Manager or Admissions Manager. This section describes how to view the schedule in Site Manager. You cannot change the information as it appears on the schedule, but you can use it to check in advance how many exams your site will be delivering throughout the day. You can also view the scheduling details to see which exams candidates will be taking, if candidates have any assigned accommodations, and see a visual representation of workstations that have been assigned unavailability rules. You can also check the Roster to see the candidate and exam details and to check the schedule for future days or weeks to be aware of when candidates are scheduled to test at your site.

Note iconNote

Date and Time formats display differently depending on which user interface language Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot. you have selected for the Connect portal, and the selected browser display language.

Select Connect user interface language drop-down list.

  1. When you have selected English as your user interface language, and your browser display language is set to English (United States), the date format is MMM/DD/YYYY. The first day of the week is Sunday. The time format is AM/PMClick to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    English (United States) date and time format for calendars.

  2. When you have selected English as your user interface language, and your browser display language is set to English (United Kingdom), the date format is DD/MMM/YYYY. The first day of the week is Monday. The time format is 24 HRClick to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    English (United Kingdom) date and time format for calendars.

  3. When you have selected Arabic as your user interface language, the date format is YYYY/MMM/DD. The first day of the week is Saturday. The time format is 24 HR. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Arabic date and time format for calendars.

  4. When you have selected Chinese as your user interface language, the date format is YYYY/MM/DD. The first day of the week is Monday. The time format is 24 HR. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Chinese date and time format for calendars.

  5. When you have selected Japanese as your user interface language, the date format is YYYY/MM/DD. The first day of the week is Sunday. The time format is 24 HR. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Japanese date and time format for calendars.

  6. When you have selected Korean as your user interface language, the date format is YYYY.MM.DD. The first day of the week is Sunday. The time format is AM/PM. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Korean date and time format for calendars.


You must enter the date and time format that matches the selected language.

View the calendar

When you select the Calendar in the Availability category, a weekly calendar appears and displays when appointments are scheduled at your site.

  1. Select the Availability category. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Site Manager Availability menu.

  2. Select the Calendar menu. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Site Manager Calendar menu.

  3. The calendar opens to the current week view. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    The calendar opens to the current week view.

Note iconNote

If you have not accepted the use of our cookies, when you open the calendar the calendar navigation buttons are hidden below the calendar header. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

The calendar navigation buttons are hidden if you have not accepted the cookies.

As soon as you accept the cookies, the calendar navigation buttons appear and lock to the top of the page as you scroll through the hours at your site. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

The calendar navigation buttons are locked at the top of the page once cookies are accepted.

Calendar features



Jump to Today button.

Today button

Use the Today button to quickly jump back to the current date in the selected calendar view.

Move to Previous day, week, or month button.

Previous button

Use the Previous button to move back a Day, a Week, or a Month in the selected calendar view.

Move to Next day, week, or month button.

Next button

Use the Next button to move forward a Day, a Week, or a Month in the selected calendar view.

Day view date-picker button. (Day)

Week view date picker button. (Week)

Month view date-picker button. (Month)

Three-month view date-picker button. (Three Month)

Calendar Date picker button

Use the Date picker button to select a specific day, week, month, three-month span, and/or year on the calendar. The calendar displays the selected day, the entire week for the selected day, the entire month for the selected day, or a three-month span starting with the selected week in the current calendar view.

Refresh calendar button.

Refresh calendar button

Use the Refresh calendar button to update the calendar with new registrations or cancellations that have occurred since you last opened the calendar. Changes are updated on the selected calendar view.

Select a calendar view-picker list.

Calendar View picker button

Use the Calendar View picker to select the desired calendar view. Select a date in the calendar date picker and then:

  1. Day—view the schedule for a single day
  2. Week—view the full week's schedule for the selected date
  3. Month—view the entire month's schedule for the selected date
  4. Three Months—view three months (14 weeks) of the schedule starting with the current week

Calendar key.

Calendar key day, week, and Scheduling details view


The calendar key monthly view identifies: current day, open hours, closed hours, scheduled appointments, and appointments scheduled during closed hours.

Calendar key month view

The Key in the upper right-hand corner of the page helps you understand the color coding on the calendar.

  1. Light blue indicates the current date on the selected calendar view.
  2. White indicates times the site is open for testing.
  3. Gray indicates times the site is closed.
  4. Blue with white indicates the number of exams scheduled at your site, and the number of exams scheduled at a specific time slot.
  5. Orange indicates appoints that are scheduled during closed hours. This only appears when viewing the monthly calendar.

# Appts

The space immediately below each date on the day and week calendars indicates the number of appointments scheduled at the site on that day. For example, there is one exam scheduled for Tuesday, January 25. If there are no appointments on a date, 0 appointments is displayed.

Number of appointments in day and week calendars.

In the month view, each date displays the time the site opens for the first possible exam registration and the last available time of the day. This site is shows 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM. The site may be closed for a lunch break from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, but it still lists 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM displaying first and last available time at the site.

Number of appointments in monthly calendar view.

You can click on the date link in Day, Week, or Month view and the Day view for the selected date is displayed.

You can click on the appointments link to view the Scheduling details. See View scheduling details below for details.

Blue boxes with a number

The blue bar with a number on the week and day calendar view indicates the number of appointments scheduled at the specific time for that date. The calendar displays the appointments in 15-minute increments. If there are no appointments scheduled at a specific time on the calendar when the site is open, the time slot is white and contains no numbers.

Number of appointments by hour weekly view. (week view)

Number of appointments by hour daily view. (day view)

Scheduling details View menu.

View scheduling details size

Select Small, Medium, or Large from the Viewing drop-down list to specify how many open hours you want to display on the scheduling details page.

Change the calendar view

You can view your site's schedule in the Calendar by day, week, or month.

  1. Click the Calendar View picker button in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Select Day, Week, or Month from the Calendar View-picker list.

  2. Select the desired calendar view from the drop-down list.
    1. Day—displays the schedule for the current day. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Calendar Daily view.

    2. Week—displays the schedule for the entire week of the current day. Click to view the screenshot. Click to view the screenshot.

      Calendar Weekly view.

    3. Month—displays the schedule for the entire month of the current day. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Calendar Monthly view.

    4. Three Months—displays three months (14 weeks) of the schedule starting with the current week. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

      Three month view.

  3. Use the Previous Move to Previous day, week, or month button. and Next Move to Next day, week, or month button. buttons to move to the previous or next day, week, month, or 4 weeks in the selected calendar view.
  4. Click the Calendar Date picker button to select a specific day, week, month, or three month view.
    1. Day 
      Calendar Date-picker for daily view.
      1. To change the year, click on the MMM YYYY Change Month and Year in date-picker. drop-down button in the upper left corner of the calendar picker and click on the desired year in the list, and then click on the desired month in the list. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

        Select Year

        Select the Year in the date-picker.

        Select Month

        Select the month in the date picker.

      2.  Click on the Previous Month Move to the previous month button. or Next Month Move to the next month button. buttons to scroll through the months.
      3. Click on a specific date on the calendar to select the date. The schedule for the selected day is displayed.
    2. Week 
      Calendar Date-picker for weekly view.
      1. To change the year, click on the MMM YYYY Change Month and Year in date-picker. drop-down button in the upper left corner of the calendar and click on the desired year in the list, and then click on the desired month in the list. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

        Select Year

        Select the year in the Weekly calendar.

        Select Month

        Select the month in the Weekly calendar.

      2. Click on the Previous Month Move to the previous month button. or Next Month Move to the next month button. buttons to scroll through the months.
      3. Click on a specific date on the calendar to select the date. The week's schedule for the selected date is displayed.
    3. Month 
      Calendar Date-picker for monthly view.
      1. To change the year, click on the Previous Year Move to the previous year button. or Next Year Move to the next year button. buttons to scroll through the years.
      2. Click on the desired Month in the list. 
    4. Three Months
      Calendar Date-picker for Three Month view.
      1. To change the year, click on the MMM YYYY Change Month and Year in date-picker. drop-down button in the upper left corner of the calendar and click on the desired year in the list, and then click on the desired month in the list. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

        Select Year

        Select the year in the Weekly calendar.

        Select Month

        Select the month in the Weekly calendar.

      2. Click on the Previous Month Move to the previous month button. or Next Month Move to the next month button. buttons to scroll through the months.
      3. Click on a specific date on the calendar to select the date. The three month's schedule for the selected date is displayed.
  5. After switching to different days, weeks, or months, click the Today Click the Today button to navigate to the current date. button to quickly navigate back to the current date in the selected calendar view.

View scheduling details

  1. There are several ways to open the Scheduling details page from the Day, Week, Month, or Three Month view of the calendar. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.
    1. Click the Scheduling details button at the top of the page.
    2. Click # appointment(s) link for the desired date.

    Scheduling details page.

  2. The scheduling details page lists all the workstations at your site and the registration details. The following table describes all the details for the scheduling details page.




By default when you view the Scheduling details page, the Medium view is displayed. A subset of open hours is visible on the page. Two sets of scroll bars appear. The vertical scroll bar allows you to scroll up and down to view the complete list of workstations. The horizontal scroll bar allows you to scroll left and right to view all the open hours for the site.

Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the window to scroll left and right through all the open hours at your site.

Note: The number of rows and columns you see is dependent on your screen size. If you have many workstations and your site is open for a large range of hours, you will see the hours scroll bar and the workstations scroll bar. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Scheduling details displayed in the medium view.

Scheduling details View

Click the Viewing drop-down list and select Small, Medium, or Large from the list. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Scheduling details View menu.

The hours displayed either:

  1. Shrink to view all the open hours for the site: Small Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Small view of scheduling details page.

  2. Display a subset of open hours for the site: Medium Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Scheduling details displayed in the medium view..


  1. Expand so you can view more details about the exam length and accommodation: Large Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Large view of scheduling details page.


Use the scroll bar on the right side of the page to scroll up and down through the list of workstations configured for your site.

Current time

Light blue

The current time is highlighted in light blue. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

The current time is highlighted in light blue in the scheduling details.

Open hours

White row

Workstation is open for registrations if the row is white.

Closed workstation

Grey row

Workstation has an unavailability rule applied to it. See the Work with Workstation Unavailability Rules topic for details.

Appointment scheduled

Blue block

Appointment scheduled blocks display the length of the exam, the start and end time of the exam, and identifies if any accommodations are applied to the exam registration or reservation. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Scheduled exam blocks are displayed in blue in the scheduling details.

Exams with Accommodations are displayed with an A, exams with a separate room accommodation are displayed with an A-SR, and exams without any accommodations lists only the exam start and end time. You can hover over any exam registration or reservation to view the tool-tip for the exam block: Assigned workstation, Candidate name, exam start and end time, and the type of accommodation (if any). Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Accommodations are identified on an exam block with A or A-SR.

If a client books exam reservations rather than candidate registrations, the exam block lists Reserved rather than a candidate name. The hover over tool-tip lists: assigned workstation, Reserved, exam start and end time, and the type of accommodation (if any). Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Reserved exam blocks are not assigned to a candidate.

Overbooked workstation

If a workstation is overbooked or has overlapping exam registrations, the overlapping registrations are stacked on top of each other in the overbooked workstation row and a warning icon is displayed before the workstation name. In this example one exam registration is from 9:30 - 10:30, and the other exam is from 10:00 - 11:30. You must move one of the exam registrations to a different workstation. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Overbooked workstation.


View exam details and Accommodations

You can view the exam registration or reservation and the accommodation details by clicking on the exam block. A pop-up window opens to display all the details about the exam registration or reservation: candidate name, client, exam date and start time, exam code, exam title, and a list of any accommodations.

Exam with a Separate room accommodation, plus assigned accommodations (if any) Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

The exam details pop-up identifies the candidate, exam, and accommodation(s).

Exam reservation, plus assigned accommodations (if any) Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Exam details for an exam reservation.

Exam registration, no accommodations Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Exam registration details with no accommodations.

Registrations without an assigned workstation

There are times test administrators may schedule exams without blocking a workstation. For example, they may want to schedule a TDFT exam to test certain functionality, or they may schedule a certification exam. The table listed below the calendar identifies all registrations without an assigned workstation. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Registrations without an assigned workstation table.



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