Remove workstationsWorkstation configuration graphic.

Users may remove individual workstations or use the bulk remove feature.

Note iconNote

Users without the May edit site information using Site Manager role can view the existing list of workstations and workstation unavailability rules, but they are unable to add new workstations and rules or modify existing workstations or rules. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Workstations list for users without the May edit site information using Site Manager role.

Remove individual workstations

If a workstation is no longer needed at your site, you may remove the workstation from Site Manager. Follow these steps to remove a workstation.

  1. Select the Availability category. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Site Manager Availability menu.

  2. Select the Workstations menu. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Site Manager Workstations menu.

  3. The Workstations page opens. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Workstations configured for a site.

  4. Locate the desired workstation in the list and click the Remove button.
  5. Select Yes from the drop-down list to confirm you want to remove the workstation. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Confirm you want to remove the workstation.

Note iconWarning

Site Manager does not allow you to remove a workstation that is required for an active exam (one that has an active registration for the workstation, but the exam has not been taken yet). You receive a message stating the workstation cannot be removed because it is scheduled for appointments with the list of appointments. You can cancel the appointments or make the workstation unavailable and reschedule the appointments. Once you have canceled or rescheduled the appointments you can try and remove the workstation.

  1. A message notifies you that the workstation was successfully removed. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Workstation was successfully removed.

Note iconWarning

When you remove a workstation, it is permanently deleted from the system and cannot be recovered. You must re-add the workstation if it was mistakenly deleted.

Note iconNote

Users are not able to remove workstations with active registrations assigned to the workstation. When users click remove, the workstation is not removed and an error message notifies you that the workstation cannot be deleted because it is scheduled for the appointments listed below. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Workstation cannot be removed error message.

You must cancel the appointments or make the workstation unavailable and reschedule the appointments, and then you can remove the workstation.

Bulk remove workstations

If workstations are no longer needed at your site, you may bulk remove the workstations from Site Manager. Follow these steps to remove a group of workstations.

  1. On the Workstations page, click the Bulk remove button. The Bulk remove page opens. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Bulk remove workstations page

  2. Select the check boxes for the workstations you want to remove and click the Remove button at the top or the bottom of the page. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Select workstations and select the Remove button.

  3. The workstations and their associate rules are removed, and a message notifies you they were successfully removed. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

    Workstations successfully removed message.

Note iconNote

Users are not able to remove workstations with active registrations assigned to the workstation. When users select a group of workstations and click remove, none of the workstations are removed if any of the workstations have active registrations assigned to the workstation. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Workstations cannot be removed error message.

A message notifies you that one or more workstations cannot be removed. Click the Download button to view the Workstation Errors report to identify why the workstation cannot be removed. The error report identifies the workstation that has active exam registrations and it lists the exam name, exam date and time, Candidate name and phone number. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

Workstation Errors report lists workstations with active registrations.

You must cancel the appointments or make the workstation unavailable and reschedule the appointments, and then you can remove the workstation.

If you want to remove all the workstations except the workstation with active exam registrations, deselect the workstation with active exam registrations and click Remove. The group of workstations are removed.



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